Return template contents from a wiki page

From Geohashing

Using MediaWiki api.php

  1. Hello World!
  2. Return page titles for a specified category
  3. Return template contents from a wiki page
  4. Wiki built-in templates

Get Array of Templates

Provide the page title and get back an array of templates.

  // =======================================================================
  // === These constant values must be set before running the script =======
  // =======================================================================
  define("API_URL", '');    // Search any wiki page source for "api.php" to find this path on other MediaWiki sites
  define("A_PAGE_TITLE", "Sourcerer_2015");                 // Which wiki page to process

  // =======================================================================
  // === Provide the page title and 
  // === get the page contents
  // =======================================================================
  function getPage($pageTitle)
    return file_get_contents(API_URL . "?format=json&action=query&titles=$pageTitle&prop=revisions&rvprop=content");

  // =======================================================================
  // === Provide the page title and 
  // === get the page contents
  // === This will do some parsing NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  // =======================================================================
  function getTemplatesInPage($pageTitle)
    $txt = getPage($pageTitle);
    $txt = str_replace('\n', '', $txt);
    $inTemplate    = false;
    $currTemplate  = '';
    $templateArray = array();
    for ($ii = 1; $ii < strlen($txt);  $ii++)
      if (($txt[$ii - 1] == '{') && ($txt[$ii] == '{'))    // Template start
        $inTemplate = true;
      if (($txt[$ii - 1] == '}') && ($txt[$ii] == '}'))    // Template end
        $inTemplate = false;
        if (trim($currTemplate) != '')
          $templateArray[] = explode('|', $currTemplate);
        $currTemplate = '';
      if ($txt[$ii] == '{')
          // Skip it
      if ($txt[$ii] == '}')
          // Skip it
      if ($inTemplate)
        $currTemplate .= $txt[$ii];

    if ($inTemplate)
      $inTemplate = false;
      if (trim($currTemplate) != '')
        $templateArray[] = explode('|', $currTemplate);
      $currTemplate = '';

    return $templateArray;

  // =======================================================================
  // main program
  // =======================================================================