
From Geohashing


All locations: .8176492, .9737149
Globalhash: 57.176853557994,170.537379652760

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Expeditions and Plans

Melbourne West, Australia Lachie, Ed, Cam, Felix, Gretel, John, KT, Stevage, Ruth, Bridget, Dangermum, Dangerdad, * In Birrarung Marr park next to the Yarra.
Eugene, Oregon Michael5000, Mrs.5000 In a Lincoln County Park off the Siletz Highway.
Dortmund, Germany Fippe located on a street in Ennigerloh.
Hamburg (West), Germany π π π on an empty lot in an industrial area in Kaltenkirchen, Schleswig-Holstein
Lappeenranta, Finland Kripakko, Kripakko's girlfriend By Rantakaartilantie road in Savonlinna, below a power line.

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